Information, Communication & Technology

Busia Municipal Council can partner with the private sector to avail land for the development of an Information Technology (IT) – Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Park that will act as a catalyst for transforming the local economy from raw material based exports to a knowledgebased local economy.
Other Investment Opportunities are in the following areas: e-business services; Printing and publishing, media, Logistics management, ICT infrastructure and training, including extension to rural areas, Provision of Internet-related hardware and software, Broadband wireless Internet services among others.

Busia Municipality is a local government in Busia District, Eastern Uganda, at the border of Kenya.

Location: Eastern Uganda  0°28’01.0″N, 34°05’24.0″E (Latitude:0.4669; Longitude:34.0900).
Land Area: Total Land: 7 km2
Population: 54,798.


P.O.Box 177, Busia-Uganda
Hadongole Road

Phone: +256 774 096 267

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