
The goal of the health department in Busia MC focuses on contributing to the improvement of the health status of the people of the Municipality so as to lead a socially and economically productive life. This goal is derived within the framework of the health policy whose overall objective is to reduce mortality, morbidity and the disparities there in. In order to achieve this goal, the department has continued to operate within the framework of the Health Sector Strategic Plan III (HSSP III), as well as the Municipal Health Sector Strategic Plan (MHSSP), with a major focus on the Uganda Minimum Health Care Package (UMHCP) as we implement the Busia MC third Development Plan and the NDP III.

Busia Municipality is a local government in Busia District, Eastern Uganda, at the border of Kenya.

Location: Eastern Uganda  0°28’01.0″N, 34°05’24.0″E (Latitude:0.4669; Longitude:34.0900).
Land Area: Total Land: 7 km2
Population: 54,798.


P.O.Box 177, Busia-Uganda
Hadongole Road

Phone: +256 774 096 267

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